Replacement of Balcony Balustrades on Landmark West Cliff Residential Block Won at Appeal.
Permission was granted by the Planning Inspectorate at Written Representations Appeal against the decision of Bournemouth Borough Council to refuse permission for the replacement of the existing condemned balcony balustrades which dominate the façade of Admirals Walk.
Admirals Walk, the largest and most prominent building on the West Cliff in Bournemouth, is littered with balconies across its coastal facing elevations, making the most of the fantastic views. This however has a hidden problem of exposing the building materials to the harsh elements. Because of the balconies being so exposed and the coastal location the balcony balustrades were exposed to significant weathering which the materials chosen could not handle. The balconies were condemned by a Structural Engineer as unsafe for use and the Management Company took swift action to apply for their replacement with a more suitable weather resistant solution.
The Council had refused the planning application on grounds of the proposed Marine Grade Stainless Steel balustrade being inappropriate and harmful to the character of the area. It was at this point that Ken Parke Planning Consultants were instructed.
The Inspector was clear in his report allowing the Appeal that the proposed replacement balustrades would secure a significant improvement in the overall appearance of the building and would not cause harm to the setting of the West Cliff Conservation Area and moreover that the use of stainless steel and glass on a building dating to the 1960s would not be inappropriate.
The Admirals Walk Board of Directors were rightfully pleased with the positive outcome which will see the balconies brought back to full working order and the appearance of the landmark building significantly improved.