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March 5, 2024

Dorset Council have recently extended their ‘Call for Sites’ consultation period to 1st June 2024.

This means that for any landowners, developers or other interested parties, there is a further opportunity to put forward sites for potential development within the Dorset area.

Dorset Council has a duty to maintain an adequate and up-to-date supply of sites suitable for housing, employment and other types of development.

The main way of finding new sites for potential development is through the ‘Call for Sites’ consultation process.

This provides a valuable early opportunity for individuals, landowners, developers and other interested parties to submit their sites to the council for consideration, from which potential future development sites may be put forwards for allocation as part of the local plan process.

The council typically seek to assess a wide range of sites, from small scale opportunities to large scale developments.

At present, Dorset Council are particularly interested in receiving submissions for sites that may have potential for:

  • New homes (market and affordable housing on sites over 0.3 hectares)
  • Employment sites
  • Mitigation for habitat sites
  • Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) sites
  • Renewable or low carbon energy sites
  • Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation sites
  • Mixed use sites.

On submission, sites will be assessed by the council in relation to their suitability for development or change in land management and as part of the evidence base for the emerging Dorset Council Local Plan, an updated Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) will be produced.

The SHLAA forms a key database of sites which are potentially developable and deliverable within the area and from which sites may be selected for allocation.

If you are a landowner, a developer or an interested party and you would like a particular site to be considered by Dorset Council as part of its extended ‘Call for Sites’ consultation process, please do get in touch with Ken Parke Planning Consultants at, or call 01202 538800 and we’ll be happy to advise you further.