Chartered Membership of the RTPI is a powerful statement about our commitment to the best professional service.
Why is membership of the Royal Town Planning Institute important?
Chartered status gives our clients the confidence that they are receiving advice from fully qualified, experienced, knowledgeable, up to date and insured planning experts.
To achieve chartered membership of the Royal Town Planning Institute and use MRTPI after their names, our planning consultants had to successfully complete an accredited degree course followed by at least two years of full-time relevant town planning experience. The designation means that its holder has appropriate knowledge, skills and competence in spatial planning.

Members are also required to keep up to date with the latest developments in the profession, by means of courses, seminars and training.
Chartered Membership status also gives our consultants Direct Professional Access to the Planning Bar which means we can directly instruct Counsel for legal advice, opinion and to appear at inquiries.
KPPC is therefore bound by a professional code of conduct which specifies that our consultants act with competence, honesty and integrity, and exercise independent professional judgement at all times.