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September 5, 2024

Latest figures have shown a rise in planning applications submitted in England and Wales.

There were 52,550 applications lodged through the Planning Portal service in July 2024 – up by 11% on the 47,298 applications submitted in June 2024.

However, the figure was slightly down – by one per cent – on the total number of applications in July 2023.

The statistics were published in Planning Portal’s July Market Insight Report.

An increase was recorded in every region in England in July compared with June. The South East and London received the most applications, at 10,669 and 10,374 respectively.

Nationally, full applications were down by about 500 year-on-year but were up on June 2024. Outline applications fell slightly compared to June 2023.

It may be that there was a post-election surge by applicants who had previously been delaying submissions or a rush by those anticipating changes by the new government.

Another recently published document, the Planning Inspectorate’s (PINS) annual report, showed that the number of homes granted permission on appeal fell by 44 per cent compared with last year.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss the best strategy for your planning application submission or the potential impact of planning reforms on your plans or project.