Work is progressing on the second phase of a 32-home development in north Yorkshire with planning by KPPC Ltd.
Construction is on schedule for completion of the final 19 properties in the Cicero Estates scheme at Wainds Field, Kirkbymoorside.
KPPC Ltd has provided a full service throughout the planning process from inception to delivery for developer Cicero, from the early stages through to successful submission of a full planning application with a comprehensive package of professional reports, negotiating a favourable affordable housing mix and addressing all of the issues and thereafter has managed several variations to the scheme and the process of discharging all of the planning conditions as part of the built out programme.
The high-quality residential development is delivering a mix of two, three and four bedroom homes which will best meet local housing needs.
With generous proportions and good-sized gardens, the homes retain a sense of openness in the street scene with properties set back from the road with private frontages and gardens; all set around a single shared access with parking and landscaping.

The homes on the 0.95 hectare site form the final piece of the jigsaw for residential development encouraged by the council north of the town’s A170 road.
Its development brings a dormant site back into use after a previous scheme for 29 homes received planning permission in 2009 but failed to progress beyond initial implementation involving an access road and associated drainage works due to viability issues.
The new scheme addressed changes in planning policy and technical requirements since the original approval, delivered significant improvements in design and importantly has secured a more optimal layout which makes best and most efficient use of the site resulting in permission to build three additional homes and a fully shared ownership model of affordable housing to improve its viability.
Although the principle of residential development was well-established on the land as an allocated site within the development boundary in the council’s local plan strategy, the new scheme still faced some opposition locally.
KPPC Ltd successfully addressed concerns and demonstrated to the council that the development would be sustainable with numerous benefits for the community and no significant adverse impacts.
This included careful regard for highways issues and an adjoining Conservation Area with a handful of Grade-II listed properties.
Ultimately the development is resulting in new life being breathed into a site which has long stood vacant, with much-needed family homes and affordable housing in a sustainable and favoured location.
KPPC is proud to work with Cicero and other partners on the project, including LMA Architects, Tolent Living Limited, CPC Project Services LLP, Fairhurst and Quants Environmental.