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Green light for homes in Fordingbridge

May 15, 2024

It was success for Ken Parke Planning Consultants at New Forest District Council Planning Committee.

A hybrid planning permission was approved for land at Middle Burgate House in Fordingbridge with a mix of 41 market dwellinghouses granted in outline and a scheme of 12 affordable homes granted in full within a scheme described by the Planning Committee councillors as an ‘excellent example of a high-quality development’, ‘a great site and scheme’ and ‘a really nice area which would create almost a village of its own’.

The application has been long fought by our Senior Associate Consultant Adam Bennett, following its submission in late 2022, and detailed negotiations with the council and technical consultees to steer the application successfully over the line for our client.

The scheme represents a legacy project for the client embracing his passion for modern sustainable design, but also for respecting local heritage.

Alongside the talented team of architects at Brightspace Architects, led in this case by David Evans, a perfect mix of modern architecture and sensitive traditional design which embraces the historical function of the land won the support of the conservation and urban design teams at New Forest District Council and alongside our broader technical team has helped to deliver a great outcome that we look forward to seeing delivered on the ground.

The case officer wrote in his report to committee: “The bespoke nature of the design and layout pay tribute to the varied history of this site which is welcomed as creating a well-designed development with a real sense of place.”

No technical objections were made to the Fordingbridge proposal which, coupled with the substantial public benefits including those centred on the release of much needed open market and affordable housing, the opening up of private land to public beneficial use and the sustainable nature of the development, led to the recommendation to approve.

It was a fantastic result for the client Mr Brian Currie and the hard-working project team that have shaped what we consider to be a fantastic forward-thinking development which really embraces its history and setting as part of the hamlet of Burgate on the periphery of Fordingbridge. (Images: Brightspace Architects)

Project partners were Brightspace Architects, UBU DesignGodsell Arnold PartnershipPaul Basham Associates, EcosupportSturt and Company, Barrell Tree ConsultancyCotswold ArchaeologyClarke Saunders AssociatesRamboll and ACS Testing.

KPPC managing director Ken Parke made it a double success at the committee when he advocated for a client to gain planning permission for a housing development site on surplus land at a garden centre in Everton.

Both schemes are delivering market and affordable housing that the New Forest desperately needs. Both schemes were recommended for approval by officers and through strong advocacy by our consultants sailed through to the pleasure of two ecstatic clients and project teams.