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February 20, 2023

KEN DO ATTITUDE: KPPC managing director Ken Parke is taking a cold water challenge for Cancer Research UK
BRRR!  Our managing director, Ken Parke, has undertaken a 31-day cold water challenge for Cancer Research UK (CRUK).
It involves immersing himself in cold water for at least 30 seconds every day of the month

Ken said: “Happily I live near Poole Bay, so finding cold water is not a problem, although going in is!

“The sense of achievement makes it worthwhile, accompanied with a red glow and wide grin! There is a serious aspect to this – cancer has hit my family hard in the most tragic of ways – a young life not hardly begun sadly taken after the bravest of fights.

“I would be ever so grateful for any donation to contribute towards research to help the fight against cancer and to help save lives young and old. Many many thanks.”

Ken – pictured here at Poole Bay, Bournemouth, has smashed his target of £150 with half of the month gone, having raised £250 so far.

Given the latest chilly spell, he may need to hold on to his thermals that much longer!

If you wish to, you can sponsor him here.